About Us

Forma Libris founder Elizabeth Nicholas draws from a deep well of expertise to curate her clients' libraries. Elizabeth holds an MSc in Literature from the University of Edinburgh, where she served on the committee for the James Tait Black Prize, Britain’s oldest literary award. She also received a Master of Fine Arts from New York University’s Creative Writing Program, where she was awarded a fellowship and worked with a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer on her thesis. As an undergraduate at Harvard, Elizabeth concentrated in history, won multiple literary awards, and studied under some of the foremost literary critics of the 21st century. She has since published essays and criticism in magazines and newspapers worldwide, including The New York Times, Vanity Fair, Vogue, New York Magazine, and TIME. In 2023, Elizabeth was the recipient of a MacDowell fellowship in literature.

Elizabeth’s personal library of several thousand books is global and diverse, traveling with her around the world and now residing in her home in Paris, France. Elizabeth reads deeply across continents, time periods, and genres, collecting fiction, nonfiction, history, poetry, art books, new publications, rare books, antiques, and more. She has developed meaningful relationships across the publishing industry with authors, editors, book dealers, and publishers, which she draws upon to help her clients create their collections.